Current list of confirmed workshops* can be found here:
*times and room numbers subject to change
New York Collective of Radical Educators
…the struggle for justice does not end when the school bell rings.
*times and room numbers subject to change
Location: James Baldwin School
351 West 18th Street
Manhattan, NY 10011
Follow NYCoREConference on Instagram for updates
ItAG season is almost here! ItAGs–Inquiry to Action Groups– are educator-activist led study groups around relevant educational justice and social justice issues. The line up for this year is ON POINT. We won’t start registration and outreach until late December, but you can get a SNEAK PEEK at this month’s member meeting.
For this month’s political education, you’ll hear about all the ItAGs and then breakout into sessions with the facilitators to get a taste of the ItAGs you’re most interested in.
ItAGs are an awesome way for new folks to get connected to a community of social justice-minded folks. See what some participants have said about their ItAG experience:
“Each week I would bring back to my school sections of our readings from my ItAG. By sharing resources with my colleagues I have found a new network in my school that I would not have found otherwise. Now there are a group of about 5-6 teachers in my school that want to participate in future ItAGs and that now are meeting to discuss our own practice.”
“The ItAG changed the way that I see myself as a part of a larger group/community of teachers who are working toward social change. I see my role as being one of bringing this mindset to other teachers as well, not to stand alone as an island in my beliefs and convictions.”
“Honestly, the ItAG reminded me that I was not alone. To simply be in a space of all educators of color working with students of color and sharing active classroom techniques, self-care, struggles with internalizing and discussion, was incredibly alleviating for me. I only wish I had more time with everyone! I learned something new from each of them, especially the ways in which different people were navigating organizational politics.”
Please remember to RSVP to give us an accurate head count for food as well as bring reusable food containers and utensils. Let’s try to be radical in all aspects of our lives!
Friday, December 18, 2015
5:30 to 8:00 PM
NYU Pless Hall 3rd Floor Lounge
82 Washington Square East
New York, NY
There will be no NYCoRE 101 for this meeting. If you are new to NYCoRE, please check out our member guide by clicking here.
Please Bring ID and RSVP below to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.