RSVP for NYCoRE’s September Meeting **NEW LOCATION!!**

It’s time for NYCoRE’s first meeting of the 2016-2017 School Year!

**Please note that we’re at a NEW location this year, so it’s ESPECIALLY important that you RSVP!**

30 Broad Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY

Friday, September 16

5-5:30PM Food and mingle
5:30-8:00 PM Member Meeting

**Please note that we’re starting earlier this year to allow for more time for eating and mingling!**

In this meeting, we will be reviewing our membership expectations for the year, our commitment to being an antiracist organization, our Points of Unity, our history, as well as our political lens.

We’ll be exploring these questions:
How do structural racism, whiteness, and white supremacy manifest in the public school system?
What does neoliberalism have to do with education reform?
How can we as educators resist the forces that attack the public education system?

Additionally, we’ll have some time for Working Groups to check in and meet new members.

Please join us as we strengthen our collective political analysis and prepare for the work of this school year!

**Once again, PLEASE RSVP below to give us a head count for food and so we can notify security!**


NYCoRE Conference Biennial Statement

Hello NYCoRE Family,

Over last seven years, the annual NYCoRE conference has grown from a small gathering of 150 people, to over 1200 students, educators, activists and community members!  We have worked hard to create an inclusive and justice-oriented space filled with new ideas, art, education and love.  Through the years, we have developed many exciting features, such as child care, kids track, inclusive name tags, interactive arts, pass the hat, a social media team, youth open mic lunch, breakfast/lunch/snack, all day coffee, community and raffle time with a DJ, organizational and sales tables, stellar keynote speakers, and over 75 annual youth and adult-led workshops.  Thank you for your support as we continue to build toward a radical and socially just world.

While our conference has grown in attendance, effort, workshops, and mouths to feed, our capacity has not.  We have always been and continue to be an all-volunteer grassroots organization made up of people employed in other full-time jobs.  Because of our commitment to continue to maintain the high quality of the NYCoRE conference, we have decided to move to a biennial model.  From now on, we will hold the conference every other year, in the off years of the Free Minds Free People conference, put on by one of our sister organizations, The Education for Liberation Network.  Therefore, NYCoRE will not hold our event in 2017, but will be back in 2018 for our 8th, now biennial, conference.  

Thank you for your understanding and support.

RSVP for NYCoRE’s last member meeting of the school year!


We’re almost there, NYCoRE family!
Join us this Friday for our last member meeting of the 2015-2016 school year.


Experiences of Educators of Color in the Public School System and in NYCoRE

This month’s political education piece will be facilitated by members of the Educators of Color (EoC) affinity group.


In the final NYCoRE Member Meeting of this school year, we will be looking at experiences of educators of color in the public school system. Additionally, we will look at experiences of educators of color in NYCoRE, the history of educators of color within NYCoRE, and reflect on how responsible we are as a collective to our values and our points of unity. We will take time to reflect on our individual experiences as educators with an eye toward building a more genuinely anti-racist and inclusive NYCoRE space in the upcoming school year.

In Working Groups, we will reflect on and celebrate this past year and share out our successes with the whole group.

Please remember to RSVP to give us an accurate head count for food! Also, please bring reusable food containers and utensils… let’s be radical in all aspects of our lives!

Time: 5:30-8:00pm

This meeting will include political education and working group breakout time, as well as end of year reflection and celebration.

Location: NYU Pless Hall 3rd Floor Lounge
82 Washington Square East
New York, NY

There will be no NYCoRE 101 for this meeting. If you’re new to NYCoRE, please check out to see our member guide!

Please bring ID and RSVP for us to notify security and to give us a head count for food!


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