RSVP to May’s NYCoRE Working Group Meeting

Join NYCoRE for our second to last meeting of the school year. This meeting will consist of mainly working group time and report backs so you can learn about the radical work of other groups. You will have the option to choose from the following working groups below. If you want more information please attend the NYCoRE 101 where representative from each working group will be there to discuss their work.

Political Education Working Group:
This group will discuss and analyze critical texts that relate to neo-liberalism, racism, and high-stakes testing as well as design political education for the larger NYCoRE membership body.

High Stakes Testing Campaign Working Group:
This is a new group that will focus on building a campaign against high-stakes testing. In our initial state, we will focus on studying and constructing our analysis around race, neo-liberalism and testing.

Teach Dream:
We work to create safer schools for undocumented students, advocate for equal rights and opportunities for all students, increase access to resources, and lift up student activism and leadership around issues of immigration.

Curriculum Working Group:
We share lessons and strategize around how to challenge racism and oppression in a variety of education environments.

NYQueer Working Group:
NYQueer focuses on issues of gender and sexuality as they relate to school communities. We aim to support and make connections between teachers, students and community organizations engaged in the work of creating spaces where all identities are acknowledged and respected.

New Teacher Underground:
New Teacher Underground is a safe space for new or new-feeling teachers to collaborate, trouble-shoot our pedagogical practices, and bond!

Adult Educators for Social Justice:
We are educators working with adult learners; join us to share strategies for social justice pedagogy and practice within the field and to advocate, agitate, and grow together.

In addition to the working groups meeting at our monthly gatherings, there are two affinity groups of NYCoRE that meet outside of meetings.

Educators of Color Group:
We are a group of people who identify as educators of color…who advocate for a nurturing, transformative and action-driven space for educators of color to connect, learn, struggle, and heal together.

Anti-Racist White Educators Group (AWE-G):
The Antiracist White Educators Group (AWE-G) aims to cultivate a supportive yet critical space for white-identifying educators to work towards understanding, confronting and undoing racism and white supremacy in ourselves, our schools, and the larger world

NYU Pless Hall 3rd Floor Lounge
82 Washington Square East
New York, NY

Friday, May 15, 2015

6:00 to 8:00 PM

There will also be a NYCoRE 101 Session at 5:30 for folks who are new to NYCoRE and who would like to hear more about the organization and ways to plug into it. If you are interested, please RSVP below.

Vegetarian dinner will be provided. Please bring your own drinks. Also, NYCoRE is making an effort to go more green this year. We’ll have plates and cutlery, but we encourage you to bring your own so we can reduce our use of disposables. Let’s be radical in all aspects of living.

Please Bring ID and RSVP below to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.




Registration is OPEN for NYCoRE’s Inquiry-to-Action Groups!

Register for an Inquiry-to-Action Group TODAY!


NYCoRE’s Inquiry-to-Action Groups (ItAGs) are spaces for teachers to build community and develop as activists.  Educators can participate in ItAGs linking social justice issues with classroom practice.  Small groups meet weekly (for a total of six, two-hour sessions plus a kick-off and possible conference workshop) between January and March to share experiences, respond to readings, exchange ideas and develop action plans.

Registration is open and continues until January 21st.

Visit 2015 ItAG Eventbrite Registration to register today!

Registration is $30 — discounted and group rates are available, please see the Eventbrite!


This year’s ItAGs: 

1. DON’T CALL ME BABY: Speaking about Sexism 

2. Pushing Back Against Pushout: Restorative Approaches to School “Discipline” 

3. Teaching Cuba: Another World is Possible

4. #BeyondtheMarches: Living, Teaching and Organizing through the Intersections (**Open only to those who identify as folks of color)

5. Transforming the Curriculum: Social Justice Pedagogy Meets Mandated Curricula 

6. Meet Me Half-Way: #Undocumented Students & #OurSchools 


Don’t forget to visit our Registration page to REGISTER TODAY! 

Please spread the word and pass along to your friends and colleagues! If you have any questions, please e-mail or

RSVP for NYCoRE’s Political Education Meeting

RSVP for NYCoRE’s 

Political Education Meeting

Friday, December 19th

6-8 pm

Please join us for our second political education meeting of the year. We will be discussing the eugenics movement in relationship to “intelligence” and testing.  As part of this political education, we will visit the Haunted Files Exhibit at NYU’s Asian Pacific American Institute.  Since we will be visiting an exhibit, it is super important that we have an accurate count of who will be attending. Please encourage friends and co-workers to RSVP.

We also will have a special celebration for our members to acknowledge our commitment to building NYCoRE and the educational justice movement.

NYU Pless Hall

3rd Floor Lounge

82 Washington Square East

New York, NY

Friday, December 19th

6:00 to 8:00 PM

There will also be a NYCoRE 101 Session at 5:30 for folks who are new to NYCoRE and who would like to hear more about the organization and ways to plug into it. If you are interested, please RSVP here.

Vegetarian dinner will be provided. Please bring your own drinks. Also, NYCoRE is making an effort to go more green this year. We’ll have plates and cutlery, but we encourage you to bring your own so we can reduce our use of disposables. Let’s be radical in all aspects of living.  Food will be served in the 2nd half of the meeting.

Please Bring ID and RSVP here to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.

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