Dear NYCoRE Community,
We are excited to kick this year off with a very special announcement: NYCoRE is 20 years old! And to celebrate 20 years of grassroots organizing, movement building, and justice seeking, we will be celebrating with a year-long conference. In lieu of our traditional day-long conference in March, we will host one learning session every month, centering one or two Points of Unity (POU) and highlighting our history and work alongside our comrades. We also hope to use this year to revise and update our Points of Unity in community.
Most sessions will be held virtually (now, you won’t have to miss a single conference session!), but please stay tuned for updates on small in-person meet-ups to process and discuss the sessions further. We have attached a calendar of our events so you can share it with your community.
To help make this year-long conference happen, we invite you to make a sliding scale donation to NYCoRE. No one will be denied access to an event for lack of funds, but if you are able to donate, we suggest:
- $40-$150 to register for the entire year of events
- $5-$20 to register for an individual session
Send sliding-scale donations here via PayPal.
Our first virtual university session will be a panel with some of NYCoRE’s original members on September 10, please RSVP here. And our first in-person event will be a dance party on September 17th at Mayday Space in Brooklyn. We hope to see you there!
The struggle does not end when the school bell rings!
Learning Sessions
Friday, September 10th
The Power of This Organizing Space: A History of NYCoRE
POU 1. We have a responsibility to address racism and neoliberalism as it impacts our students, our profession, and public education as a whole.
POU 4. We oppose the militarization of education.
Friday, September 17th
NYCoRE 20th Anniversary Dance Party
Thursday, October 14th
Schools as Part of Community and Critical Thinking
POU 7. Schools should be places of questioning and critical thinking.
POU 8. We believe schools are part of their communities.
Friday, November 12th
Standardized Testing and Radical Possibilities
POU 2. We believe there are positive alternatives to high-stakes, standardized testing.
Thursday, December 9th
Budget and School Funding
POU 5. We believe school funding policies should ensure equitable resources for all.
January – March: ItAG Season
There will be Inquiry to Action Groups that address the following POUs:
POU 3. We believe in restorative justice as an alternative to punitive disciplinary measures.
POU 6. Schools must be safe spaces for everyone, regardless of how they identify or are perceived.
POU 9. We believe all students deserve an environment where they can flourish.
Friday, April 8th
Social Justice Unions
POU 10. We believe in the power of labor unions as a vehicle for social change.
Thursday, May 12th
Reflecting and Looking Forward
POU 11: In order to combat economic, social, and political systems that actively silence people of Color and women, NYCoRE is committed to being an antiracist, antisexist organization. We maintain a majority of women and people of Color representation in our leadership and strive to do the same in our membership.
Friday, June 24th
End-of-Year NYCoRE Performance Space