6.21.13 – Inaugural High School Student Symposium on Latina, Latino, and Latin American Studies

Symposium Postcard

The CUNY Institute of Mexican Studies is proud to host the Inaugural High School Student Symposium on Latina, Latino, and Latin American Studies (ISLAS), to be held at Lehman College, Music Building, on June 21st, from 10am to 5pm.

High school students will present their research on panels with their peers, moderated by community leaders, educators, and college students. The Institute of Mexican Studies, with Lehman College and CUNY support, has made ISLAS possible through partnerships with the Afro Latin@ Forum, Tertulia Resolana, New York Collective of Radical Educators, Movement Makers program at Essex Street Academy, and the Latino and Latin American Studies Program at Queens College.

The goal of ISLAS is to create a space where high school students in the greater New York City area can gather and share their research, knowledge, and questions on topics related to Latin America and the Latina/o experience in the U.S. in dialogue with other students, educators, leaders, and the public.

The Inaugural High School Student Symposium on Latina, Latino, and Latin American Studies will take place at Lehman College on June 21st, 2013, organized by the CUNY Institute of Mexican Studies.  Next year’s symposium will be hosted by the Latino and Latin American Studies Program at Queens College.  This symposium is in spirit with the long history of struggles by students, educators, and the community for open access, inclusion of area and ethnic studies courses, programs, departments, and a faculty more reflective of our diverse population. ISLAS adds to the CUNY—community connection through building and supporting work already in progress in schools, arts and cultural centers, and places of civic engagement.

ISLAS is free and open to the public. Space is still available for high school students interested in presenting their work. Updated information can be found at islas2013.commons.gc.cuny.edu.


Gabriel Higuera
Symposium Coordinator

Alyshia Gálvez, Ph.D.
Director of the CUNY Institute of Mexican Studies
Professor, Lehman College, City University of New York
(718) 960-5115

250 Bedford Park Blvd. New York, NY 10468
Train 4 or B/D to Bedford Park

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RSVP 5.17.13 NYCoRE Monthly Meeting – Parents and Teachers United, We’ll Never be Defeated!

Parents and Teachers United,
We’ll Never be Defeated!

At February’s general meeting, we heard from candidates from the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) on why we need to organize our chapters and take over leadership of the UFT. In March, we heard inspiring words about the power of united communities from Karen Lewis, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union. The political education piece from April’s Member Meeting focused on community organizations. This month educators will hear from parent organizations on how they can support their work and help NYC parent organizations build a fight against the ferocious attacks on public education.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for June, when our third Member Meeting will culminate with a focus on youth/youth-serving groups as part of our look at how our work connects to their efforts.

In addition to our political education piece, there will be more ways to engage in critical discussions around issues affecting education.

Check out the following breakout groups:

  • New Teacher Group
  • No Human Being is Illegal
  • NYCoRE Planbook Organizing
  • Working with Parent Groups

If you are interested in leading a break out-group, joining the member committee, or representing your organization, please e-mail Rosie Frascella at rosie@nycore.org.

NYU Pless Hall 3rd Floor Lounge
82 Washington Square East
New York, NY
6:00 to 8:00 PM

There will also be a NYCoRE 101 Session at 5:30 for folks who are new to NYCoRE and who would like to hear more about the organization and ways to plug into it. If you are interested, please RSVP here.

Some food will be provided

Please Bring ID and RSVP here to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.

NYCoRE Member Committee

Support provided by the Union Square Award, a project of the Tides Center.

4.19.13 NYCoRE Monthly Meeting

Audience during 2013 Keynote

RSVP for NYCoRE’s General Meeting – Friday, April 19th

“Educators and Communities United”

At February’s general meeting, we heard from candidates from the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) on why we need to organize our chapters and take over leadership of the UFT.  Last month, we heard inspiring words about the power of united communities from Karen Lewis, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union, props to the NYCoRE conference planning committee.

We have been inspired by the events in Chicago ever since the Caucus of Rank and File Educators won leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union.  Even before winning leadership, CORE was partnering with key constituencies of public schools: parents, youth and community organizations. When CTU struck this September, they did so with the support of the majority of the public and parents.  This is the type of community, parent, and student relationships we need to build here in New York City in order to fight the ferocious attacks on public education.

For the final three meetings of this school year, we will connect with community organizations, parent groups, and youth groups to hear from them and to explore how their work connects to ours.  April’s political education piece is focused on community organizations. 

ElPuebloUnido2012Educators will hear from community organizations on how they can support their work and find avenues for educators to tap into and connect students to the resources offered by community organizations all over the city.

In addition to our political education piece, there will be more ways to engage in critical discussions around issues affecting education.

Check out the following breakout groups:
New Teacher Group
No Human Being is Illegal
NYCoRE Conference Planning Group

If you are interested in leading a break out-group please e-mail Rosie at rosie@nycore.org.

NYU Pless Hall 3rd Floor Lounge
82 Washington Square East
New York, NY

6:00 to 8:00 PM

There will also be a NYCoRE 101 Session at 5:30 for folks who are new to NYCoRE and who would like to hear more about the organization and ways to plug into it. If you are interested, please RSVP here, or fill out the form below.

Some food will be provided

Please Bring ID and RSVP here to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.

NYCoRE Member Committee

Support provided by the Union Square Award, a project of the Tides Center.

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