Proposal Submission Extended to Jan 11th – 4th Annual NYCoRE Conference

Location: Vanguard High School

317 East 67th Street, New York, NY 10065

Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013

Conference Overview

Keynote Address
Karen Lewis, President of the Chicago’s Teachers Union
accompanied by DJ ULTRAMAN, Benji Chang, Post-Doctoral Fellow with IUME Teachers College

A school should be the center of a community — a place that feeds the minds and hearts of its young people, a place that celebrates the neighborhood’s cultural and linguistic heritage, a place that provides the tools for a community to deepen its self-understanding and broaden its understanding of its connections to the broader world.

Across the country, however, the ability of educational institutions to serve these purposes is being severely damaged. Schools are increasingly seen as opportunities for the wealthy and powerful to make a profit, or to further their own political agendas. While these agendas affect different groups in a variety of ways, in such seemingly disconnected policies as school closings, teacher bashing, and the banning of ethnic studies programs, a common thread emerges:  disregard for the histories, needs and people served by local public schools.

But in response to these dehumanizing, profit-driven policies, communities are fighting back. People are coming together, supporting, valuing and caring for one another as individuals with unique histories and experiences, rather than as statistics. Communities are reaching out, forming new connections, building bridges, strengthening ties. From the Chicago teachers and the parents who supported them in their recent strike, to the work that teachers do in their classrooms, we are working to listen to one another, and to hear each other’s voices over the din of the empty rhetoric of politicians, and to bring our voices together in a call for justice.

NYCoRE’s 4th annual conference seeks to be a space to further this work:  a space to hear one another’s voices, to strengthen our connections to one another, to form new connections. We seek to provide an opportunity to work towards becoming El Pueblo Unido — A People United in the struggle for justice, even as we acknowledge the differences among us, and the differential access to power and privilege that have shaped our individual and collective histories. To this end, we are seeking workshops that will be of relevance to educators in varied settings that are diverse in their focus topics.  Relevant political critiques are welcomed, as are curricular ideas, classroom strategies, presentations on community work, and other ideas for inspiring practice.  We are also specifically seeking workshops that contribute to bridging the gap that often exists between educators and young people by bringing the voices of youth into workshop sessions.  All proposals should demonstrate relevance to the conference theme, described in detail below.

Conference Info and Request for Proposals


On-line proposal application due: Extended to January 11th, 2013)


Perspectives on Tragedy in Newtown, CT.

NYCoRE has begun compiling resources to bring perspective regarding the tragedy in Newtown, CT.


As Bob Peterson, President of the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association, reminds us:

“In the coming days, we will mourn the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy. But we must also organize to prevent future such tragedies. We have no choice.”

Please consider adding relevant resources.



RSVP for NYCoRE’s Dec. General Meeting – Friday, December 21st

Justice Not Just Test
artwork by J. Rondinelli

Join NYCoRE for its December General Meeting!

This month’s political education piece:

Race, Privatization, and Testing, oh my!
Making sense of the national and local testing craze.

NYU Pless Hall 3rd Floor Lounge
82 Washington Square East
New York, NY

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM

There will also be a NYCoRE 101 Session at 5:30 for folks who are new to NYCoRE and who would like to hear more about the organization and ways to plug into it. If you are interested, please RSVP on the form below.

Some food will be provided

Please Bring ID

Please RSVP to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.

For questions, or if you would like to facilitate a breakout group, please e-mail Rosie at

NYCoRE Member Committee

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