UPDATE: Join NYCoRE 12.8.12: Responding to Sandy @520 Clinton Ave. 9am


This Saturday, NYCoRE is calling for a educators to join a Day of Service/Action/Solidarity/Relief for those still suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

In addition to providing direct relief, we are also collecting stories and questions about the impact of Hurricane Sandy on public education.



Report to: 520 CLINTON AVE @ 9AM

Click here for info about Clinton Avenue Occupy Sandy hub

You can RSVP here (or scroll below) so that we can inform them of our volunteer numbers. You are also welcome to show up day-of.

Cars are especially needed.

If you have a story about public education in the aftermath of Sandy or a question still unanswered by the DOE, email: nycoresandy@gmail.com.

Find event on facebook here


Greetings NYCoRE Community,

At our last member meeting on November 16th we spent the first hour examining the impact and implications of Hurricane Sandy (we read Naomi Klein’s editorial Superstorm Sandy- A People’s Shock?) and discussed what might be our response of radical educators.

Talking and Teaching about Hurricane Sandy

For ideas and resources about examining the storm with students and resources for getting/giving support, visit and add to the NYCoRE wiki space: Talking and Teaching About Hurricane Sandy.

Educators Day of Solidarity- Supporting Impacted Communities

Come together with other members of the educational justice community for a collective day of support on December 8th.

RSVP BELOW or at  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHpFbDNpcTUyY0RyZXFzb29vNHdwRVE6MQ

In addition we are reaching out to Occupy Sandy Child Care to find ways that our skills/experience as educators can be of particular value longer term as the recovery efforts continue. If you are interested in more long term work with the childcare collective, please email nycoresandy@gmail.com

There are more links for getting/giving support on the nycore wiki space.

Gathering Stories and Questions

Stories: At our meeting on Friday we discussed that the stories of students, teachers and parents are largely untold by the media now that schools are “up and running”. NYCORE would like to collect these stories. If you have stories about how your school was affected, is currently still affected, please send stories to nycoresandy@gmail.com. Also during our Day of Action/Day of Relief on December 8th, we would like all educators to collect stories about public schools.

Questions: Many of us have questions about our schools, our jobs, and our students in the aftermath of Sandy. We would like to collect these questions and find a way to publicly and collectively present them to the Department of Education. Email questions you have or your school has to nycoresandy@gmail.com

We will create a Tumblr that hosts these stories as well as questions you have for the DOE. After collection, we can discuss as radical educators how to present them. Please join us in this effort!


“Fighting Merit Pay” Chapter from Educational Courage (by NYCoRE members) in Washington Post

“You Want to Pay Me for What?!?”: Resisting Merit Pay and the Business Model of Education is a chapter written by NYCoRE core members Sam Coleman and Edwin Mayorga for the book Educational Courage: Resisting the Ambush of Public Education .

Excerpts of the chapter were posted by Valerie Strauss of the Washington Post in “The Answer Sheet” blog. The chapter tells the story of how Sam Coleman came to recognize how corporate-based reform was affecting what he did in the classroom and how he stopped a standardized test score-based merit pay  program at his school.

Check out the post:


Find out more info about the book Educational Courage here

NYCoRE still has copies to sell at a reduced rate. If you’re interested email: edwin@nycore.org

NYCoRE sponsored Book Talk with Leigh Patel 12/16 3:00pm


Book Talk with Leigh Patel

Youth Held at the Border: Immigration, Education and the Politics of Inclusion
La Casa Azul Bookstore
143 East 103rd Street New York, NY 10029

Illegal. Undocumented. Remedial. DREAMers. All of these labels have been applied to immigrant youth. Using a combination of engaging narrative and rigorous analysis, this book explores how immigrant youth are included in, and excluded from, various sectors of American society, including education. Instead of the land of opportunity, immigrant youth often encounter myriad new borders long after their physical journey to the United States is over. With an intimate storytelling style, the author invites readers to rethink assumptions about immigrant youth and what their often liminal positions reveal about the politics of inclusion in America.

By sharing the narratives of young immigrants living at the intersections of cultures, languages, and traditions, author and professor Leigh Patel will engage the audience in understanding the complexity of the multiple borders. Young immigrants face borders not only across nations but in school, in families, in the workplace, and in the law. The talk and book, of the same title, will lift up the stories of individual immigrant youth to help readers see the patterns that make society a series of open doors for some and closed gates for others.

Lisa (Leigh) Patel is an associate professor of education at Boston College. She has been a journalist, a teacher, and astate-level policymaker. Visit her website at Lisapatel.org

Sponsored by The New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE), this event will also feature a performance by the Peace Poets.

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