10.24.12 – Book Talk: Educational Courage

Educational Courage was just named one of this years fifteen must read books on K-12 education in the U.S. by the  Christian Science Monitor

NYCoRE, the Public Science Project & the CUNY Urban Education Ph.D. Program invite you to:


Resisting the Ambush of Public Education


Wednesday, October 24th – 5pm – 7 pm

“Voices of Educational Courage from New York City”

CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Room 6304.01


Ujju Aggarwal, Sam Coleman, Jane Hirschmann, Brian Jones, Jessica Klonsky, Edwin Mayorga, & Donna Nevel

Nancy Schniedewind


Copies of Educational Courage and NYCoRE materials will be on sale before and after the panel.


For info on the book click here


Support for the talk is being provided by the Union Square Award, a project of the Tides Center.


RSVP below.


[gview file=”http://www.nycore.org/wp-content/uploads/EdCourage.GC_.BookTalk.small_.pdf”]


9.21.12: Welcome Back, Come to NYCoRE’s First Meeting of 2012-13

Welcome back to school educator-activists!

Join NYCoRE for its 1st Monthly Meeting of 2012-13!

This month’s political education piece:

The Chicago Teachers Strike:
Where are we now? Where do we go from here?

Chicago has been the focus of corporate school “reform,” but Chicago is now the epicenter of the push back against it. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), along with parent and community allies, is leading the fight, and they decided to strike on September 10th.

NYCoRE stands in solidarity with CTU, and has been supporting the network of Teacher Activist Groups’ campaign, Solidarity with Chicago Teachers

At our monthly meeting we hope to have NYCoRE members and folks on the ground in Chicago speaking with us about what it has been like thus far, what the current situation is, and where Chicago and those that stand with Chicago Teachers will go next.

Date: Friday, September 21, 2012

Where: Global Kids **Note, this is not our usual location**
137 E. 25th St. (at Lexington)
2nd Floor

Take the 6, N or R train to 23rd St.

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM

***Let the security desk know you are going to Global Kids***

There will also be a NYCoRE 101 Session at 5:30 for folks who are new to NYCoRE and who would like to hear more about the organization and ways to plug into it.

If you are interested RSVP below

There will also be a happy hour following the meeting (Location TBD)

For questions, or if you would like to facilitate a breakout group, please e-mail Edwin at

Some food will be provided.

Please Bring ID

Please RSVP to give us a head count for food, and to notify security.


NYCoRE Member Committee


Urgent: Action in New York Today 9/13

Urgent call from the social justice union caucus of the UFT, Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE)

Picket and rally in Solidarity with Chicago teacher

When: Thursday, September 13th, 5:00pm

Where: Democrats For Education Reform, 928 Broadway (Office Building) btwn 21st and 22nd St

Wear Red!

We will be holding a picket and rally at the offices of Democrats for Education Reform, a lobbying group made up of hedge fund executives working to privatize public education who have supported Mayor Rahm and his failed policies.

Event sponsored by the Movement of Rank-and-File Educators (MORE) and the Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee.

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