NYCoRE Member Guide
During the 2013-2014 year, NYCoRE leadership and membership engaged in a year-long visioning process with the goals of improving the transparency of our work, developing clearer markers of membership, moving toward a campaign, and increasing organizational capacity. We are pleased to share our new membership process. In December and June, we will have Member Commitment Celebrations in which active participants in NYCoRE can make their membership “official”. In order to develop clarity on what it means to be a NYCoRE Member, we have developed the following criteria:
I Can Consider Myself a NYCoRE Member if:
A) I find myself in agreement with NYCoRE’s Points of Unity
I’ve been consistently involved in one or more of the following ways:
- Attend member meetings
- Participate in a working group and/or
- Participate in an identity group such as AWE-G or EOC
- Facilitate or participate in the ItAGs
In Addition:
4) Represent NYCoRE in my school, organization, social media, etc.
Join us for our 2016-2017 General Meetings!

30 Broad Street, 9th Floor
5:30 – 8:00pm
Please bring ID!
Ways to Plug in:
- Come to meetings!
- Monthly meetings: On the third Friday of the month (between Sept and June) attend our monthly meeting. This is open to continuing NYCoRE members AND people just interested in learning more about the group.
- Working group or project meetings with NYCoRE-POC, AWE-G, NYQueer and others (see immediately below for a bit more detail for these groups.
- Annual Conference: Be on planning team, lead a workshop, volunteer, promote.
- Antiracist White Educator Group (AWE-G): Participate in meetings, helped coordinate projects, and help make the larger body NYCoRE body a more inclusive and antiracist organization.
- Coalition work: Represent NYCoRE at coalition group meetings such as MORE, Change the Stakes, Teacher’s Unite, CPE, and others.
- Event representation: In consultation with core members, represent NYCoRE at events, conferences, forums, etc. Including tabling, co-facilitating workshops, etc.
- ItAGs: Facilitate, participate, promote.
- Membership Committee: Helped structure and develop NYCoRE member meetings, work with potential new NYCoRE members, connect with the core members, and shape the political education of our members.
- NYCoRE Liaisons: Organize at your school by promoting NYCoRE events, sharing articles, facilitating book clubs.
- NYQueer: Participate in the ongoing working group.
- Planbook: Research dates & resources.
- People of Color Group (NYCoRE-POC): Participate in monthly potlucks, helped coordinate projects, and help make the larger body NYCoRE body a more inclusive and antiracist organization
Inspiration from the Past:
Previous ways that people have plugged include:
- NYCoRE Book Clubs: Coordinate school-based, citywide book clubs. Facilitate a club at your school.
- Racial Equity Project: Join in an ongoing examination of issues of race and neoliberalism in education.
- Political Education Mobilization (PEM): Help develop political ed materials, political theater, actions.
- After-School Specials: Plan one-time events (screenings, panels, etc.).
Benefits of NYCoRE membership:
- Be part of a group that expands your capacity to effect change.
- Have a voice in the direction of the organization’s work.
- Develop your skills as an educator and an activist.
- Have access to an 1800+ listserv to find allies for your interests/ projects leadership skills.
- Be part of committed and like-minded community.