12.9-12.11 Undoing Racism Workshop Weekend

NYCoRE & the Anti-Racist Alliance invite educators to the:


Anti-Racism Training for Human Service Practitioners and Educators


December 9-11, 2011

Friday, Dec 9, 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Saturday Dec 10, 9 AM – 7 PM

Sunday Dec 11, 9 AM – 3PM

This workshop will be taking place at:
City College
160 Convent Avenue
Room 5206
New York, NY 10031


NYCoRE is excited to announce that we are once again Organizing an UNDOING RACISM WORKSHOP (URW) for December 9-11, 2011 in NYC- Undoing Racism training in New York City.

We would love for you to join us!

The URW is facilitated by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond through the northeast organizing arm called The Antiracist
Alliance. Here is a description of the workshop, from the Antiracist Alliance’s website http://antiracistalliance.com/

“We work to undo structural racism from a common understanding as presented by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond Undoing Racism workshop. The People’s Institute is recognized as one of the foremost anti-racism training and organizing institutions in the nation. It moves beyond a focus on the symptoms of racism to an understanding of what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone. In the New York
region, The People’s Institute organizes not only with social work educators and human service providers but with school teachers,
parents and youth, health care providers, criminal justice advocates, and the faith community.”

NYCoRE invites all educators, to join us in this work–continuing to analyze the role of racism in the educational system and in the social justice struggles that we engage in everyday!

REGISTRATION: If you are interested in joining us, please email by mponciano7@gmail.com November 30th. Once we confirm your registration via email, we will send you payment instructions.

COST: The regular cost for adults is $350 per individual adult BUT if you register with NYCoRE, you can attend for the group rate of $250. NYCoRE hopes to provide scholarships for anyone who needs one…but we could use your help!

Some suggestions include:

1. Since this is a form of professional development, some people have been successful at petitioning their supervisors, principals, etc to
cover the workshop at the full cost of $350. Getting your employer to pay your full fee would mean that the remaining $100 could be used to subsidize someone else’s fee!

2. Help us fundraise! We would love to hear your ideas! To request a scholarship, help us fundraise, or find out more about the event please contact mponciano7@gmail.com.

3.  If you have already done this workshop and are interested in doing it again, please contact me at mponciano7@gmail.com, and help us spread the word to anyone who you think might be interested!

This workshop will be taking place at:
City College
160 Convent Avenue
Room 5206
New York, NY 10031


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